Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 2 in camper

We had the pleasure of having our 2 delightful grands( Bryan and Nicholas)spend the night.
Up early this morning  to a  pancake breakfast and chocolate milk.
Gil took care of buddy, while I took the boys down to the heated pool. They played in the water for over 2 hours. I dragged them out and brought them up to the camper for lunch and a much needed nap.
After our nap  we had to go back to the pool,oa where  the boys had a great time again.
Bryan  found a friend to play with  and Nick  wanted to be bigger so he could play to.
Mason still sick with fever and no fluid intake all day. Hope fully blood work shows the reason for him being so miserable.

Tonight we had a simple  dinner( sandwiches), both of us are tired and ready for a early night with good rest.
Off to Big Shoals State Park tomorrow.
Will post as we get internet service.

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