Thursday, September 8, 2011


It has been a bit since I posted.  Busy as bees here at the park.
We had a small party  for Labor Day. Really enjoyed the company and the conversation.  Time is moving so fast. We  have already been here 2 months. Before you know  it Christmas will be here.
I am going to include some wildlife photos that I have shot here in the park.   I so enjoy going out at night and finding the deer.
The other day we  went out on the Kabota  for 2 1/2 hours  trail riding.  Saw several deer  and a huge black snake. Once the weather cools off and the ground dries up  we need to paint the trail blazes.  SO many mismarked blazes on the trail.
                                       Front yard  this morning  9-08-11

                                       Storm  9-07-11

                                       Hiding in trees  on Blue trail

                                       My teeth are hurting
                                     Many deer  shots

                                        Beautiful sunset  out in the park.

                                        Rainbow.  News tonight broadcasted a picture of a Rainbow in Ocala, wonder if this is the other end.

                                        Fire in the park.  I only got the last  truck going in.

 Hope you enjoy the pictures.  Leave us comments  and let us know  what  you liked the most.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

                                      Gil mowing the fields and roadways.

                                         Hang gliders  over at the Sebastion Airport

 Heavy  rains  in the distance.

 Baby water turtle
 UCK   snake
 Walkway  down to the  Sebastion-Fellsmere  Creek


 Turkey hiding from me
Daily thunder clouds.

 Red Shoulder  Hawk

 Hurricane Irene  Skies

 Indian River White capping during pre-Hurricane Irene

 Atlantic Ocean  August 25,2011 Squalls  of  Hurricane Irene Sebastion,Fl.
 County Park at 510  Sebastion/Wabasso FL
 Surfers  in the water  prior to Hurricane Irene

 Indian River Lagoon

Video  of the wind and waves  Sebastion Inlet fl  August 25,2011   Hurricane Irene
This has been a busy week for us. So many legal issues to handle .I can see a trip is ahead of us that will be full of difficult decisions. I will rest easy when this is behind us  and know we made the best decision for us.

This is Hurricane season and we are really getting the rain daily. I am thankful for the rain, as the ground is really dry in so many places.  We just need to be sure that  we hunker down  and batten the hatches when the winds take off.

A trip over to visit with my Aunt and Uncle in Palm Bay. I enjoyed the visit, we stayed so long   almost was late getting home and locking the gate.  We then  just  had a simple dinner  and relaxed.  Storms at night  make Buddy  hyper,  so I have not been sleeping well  and my legs are giving me a fit in the barometric change.
I am still trying to walk daily,  honestly  some days it is more than I feel like I can do  but I do trudge through it  even if only a 1/2 mile.
I do hope all enjoy the pics .And continue to follow the blog
Till we blog again.  :)